Preparing for the 26th event of FBN-Ukraine in Tel Aviv, Israel

Israel is one of the world leaders in the IT-industry. Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Intel are constantly expanding their offices in the country. The revolution of start-ups occurred here in the clearest way and literally before our eyes.
But this is not the only thing to be of interest for us in Israel:
There is a huge industry of agricultural technologies here
Israel is known for its one of the world best military industrial sector
They learnt in Israel how to develop economy quickly despite the chronic military conflict
Here they are very sensitive to the family, and especially to children
Here there are beautiful beaches and amazing religious shrines
Herethe prominent representatives of the country’s business and corporate world are waiting for us to share their experience and get to know us better
We’ll see in Tel Aviv!
A detailed announcement of the event will appear on our website soon!