The latest 16th issue of the ‘Family Business’ magazine has been released

On the cover, there are the winners of the Family Business Awards in the nomination for the best medium, small and large family business in Ukraine in 2020: Sinitsa Yuriy, Ruslana Rymarskaya and Oleg Baran.
You can find inside the issue:
- The report from the ceremony of prize giving to the winners of the second annual Family Business Awards, dossiers of the best family companies: Barkom, Collar and Smakuli, as well as companies that received special awards: Biosphere Corporation, Enzym / Kormotech LLC and Elio.
- An article on how Covid ‘motivated’ some boards of directors to work more closely with the owners and top managers of the companies.
- The legal advice on the peculiarities of LLC inheritance: how to arrange legal succession in a way that makes it possible for the heirs of business structures to take up their family businesses easily.
- An article devoted to the management of family property through trusts: why some businesspersons place their business or assets into trust, what opportunities and risks arise in this case.
- Comments of FBN Ukraine members on training at UCGA and creating the corporate governance in their companies. The idea, which inspired this non-profit organization, is simple: large successful companies no longer require any specific management knowledge but they need help in focusing on strategy, management accountability, and audit.
- A story from Savva Libkin about the details of his parting with the business associate: how his lawyers, the board and friends affected the positive outcome of the transaction.
- A vivid photo report and a detailed story about the last event of the year - the 37th meeting of FBN Ukraine, which was traditionally combined with the ceremony of awarding the winners of the Family Business Awards competition.
- The story of how brothers Sergey and Yuri Korin took the key positions in their father’s business and started actively developing the main business asset of the family - RutaResort & EventHotel.
- The review of modern alternative schools from the No.1 expert in this area, if speaking of Ukraine, - Natalia Tarchenko, the co-founder and ideologist of DEC Life School.
- Samsung's story: how the conflict between the brothers led to a family split that lasted for 33 years.
- The story devoted to the making of the wealthiest Russian-speaking woman on planet, Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, who, after a ten-year struggle with other family members, changed relatives for an investor from the UAE but retained 51% of the company’s shares.
- The gastronomic guide to Barcelona from Tatiana Burda, who shared addresses and impressions of the local restaurants that were tested by the whole family.